Wednesday 25 July 2007

tree to sun [ old posting resurrected

As a small tree I waited for you to return, to bathe in your warmth and in return, I filled the air with oxygen .
But now I can't take any more, my leaves no longer grow, to shade the ground below
my roots are now exposed, as the earth is washed away by the driving rain.
The sap these branches once held has dried out, I hold no oils to keep me alive.
But still I stand tall, you are not to blame, you were always a friend to me.
Along with the rain, so my friend as you slowly fall I bid you farewell till another day,
as you are the brightest star of all .


polona said...

i love silhouettes of trees against the sky. beautiful photo and words

Katie McKenna said...

beautiful words and photo!

Janice Thomson said...

Love this Fotoface...and the photo is so beautiful.

floots said...

love the shot
and the words to complement it

Wanda said...

foto: When I'm in LA with my children, I don't have much time to be on the computer...and I have all your posts on my favorites at home, but not on this computer....
I haven't forgotten you. And today I clicked on your comment to make this one.
Regular visits when I get home.

fotoface said...

thanks wanda xxxxx

fotoface said...

very sorry to all, for not commenting
earlier on your comments please
forgive me. thanks to all.