Friday 15 June 2007

memories i'm sharing

Long time ago well over 45 years I remember my father taking us
out in the car, my mother sitting in the front while my sister in the
carry cot, next to me sitting staring out at the hedgerow and houses,
as we passed by in our green Morris traveler .
We are going to Stansted airport to fly a rocket that dad has bought me. And we'll see the planes come and leave ,dad thinks this will be the best
place to test a rocket because there lots of room.
See we've been here before and stood at the gates at the back of the
airfield watching and waiting and seeing nothing ,
Sundays were a day of rest back then and the roads were quiet.
Well the rocket as I remember was a silver grey and red plastic affair
with a space capsule that would release from the body and float down
gentle I also recall it had to be launched using a catapult.
I'll set the scene were at the back of the airfield the car faces the rusting
gates which bare a sign M O D keep out but by now its not m o d land.
Dad smokes another john players while I wait .
Wanting to see my space rocket fly I'm trying to take it out of the box,
leave it a lone boy I'll do that when I'm ready .
Were ready to launch dad pulls back hard and lets it go skyward bound
my rocket is going to the moon it works the bottom crashes to the ground
Tears form its going wrong the tops floating down alright but the wrong
side of the gates and its not coming back the hedges are to high to
see where it gone. Dads anger shows its going to be my fault again.
If you left it alone that wouldn't of happen, you can't leave things alone.
I get a smack round the head get in the car were going home.


Annie Wicking said...

It brought tears to my eyes,
How sad that a father would blame a child.
I wonder if his father ever did it to him.:-0

best wishes and thank you for sharing


fotoface said...

thanks Annie

Janice Thomson said...

Wow such a sad more ways than one.
Your writing reminds me of a fine Canadian writer by the name of Earle Birney. He wrote a poem called 'David' in this same style.
If only parents realized what they do to their children...